Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six: Vegas: Review
Everything flows, everything changes. Half -dead Lara Croft turned out to be more lively all living, chic Need for Speed Underground evolved into tasteless chewing gum Carbon, hurricane Serious sam It developed to the “fairy -tale” second part, and the real Poles made surprisingly strong western Call of Juarez. In this series of changes there is a place for the publisher Ubisoft. These figures respected by many players are somehow very strange to work with continuations. Instead of promoting a series in the direction set by the first part, UBI’Ki is constantly pulling everything in a completely different way, on the contrary. First, thanks to their efforts, the second part of a serious tactical shooter Ghost Recon turned into an arcade Hollywood shooting range, which, however, was not destined to appear on PC. Having received, a kick from journalists and fans of the series, the publisher was worried and made every effort so that Trikwel would please everyone. A similar situation has developed with a popular special forces series Rainbow Six. Having put the product on the console, well done from Ubisoft thought about the ways to get a new profit. The players there are not particularly removing serious FPS, therefore, it was decided to castrate almost all the tactics and with the help of especially heavy instruments to turn the game into an average populist action movie. The negative meeting of this circus called LockDown from the game community forced Ubisoft think ..
The local plot does not please both with originality and the quality of the production. The game takes starts in the old -food Mexico – here we are learning with the gameplay mechanics. The operation was not so long and here we are at the goal. However, special forces fell into a trap. The main character is disconnected, and the partners dragged the evil muchal with them with them. Waking up, as if after a long New Year’s booze, an angry Logan (play exclusively for him) is going to prepare first -grade minced meat from enemies, and return his friends intact and safety. Until the end of the Mexican adventures, you will have to wander in splendid isolation, sending dozens of opponents to the next world. The most funny thing is that as soon as the Logan is selected to the output point, he is immediately sent to Las Vegas, because supposedly something completely terrible is happening there. Partners are abandoned to their own devices, and we are already flying to meet terrorists in democratic America. Further, of course, it turns out that there is a connection between the Mexican operation and the adventures in the City of Sins. Well, okay, damn it, with intrigue. But why in through the Hollywood RSV there was no place for truly cinematic and large -scale scenes? Once a popcorn-beevik was developed in advance with some hints of serious tactics, which prevented the emphasis on a powerful production? Work colleagues meet two times and then in the form of “scenery”. It seems that for the whole Las Vegas allocated one special forces, no more. Skripte scenes by the way are pretty good, but there are few of them. Most of the events taking place behind the walls of all kinds of casinos are demonstrated in the upper left corner. It’s on the heart, we can say that you don’t really want to watch a mini-TV, and once-the soul of a real fighter is eager for a bloody battle.
Viva Las-Vegas!
Under your management is a detachment of three people, including Logan himself. The composition of the special groups cannot be changed, and the menu for choosing new weapons is available only in a helicopter (and only for the Logan), when “flying” from one point to another. If you thought that after overtholed by everyone LockDown, Penal comrades from Ubisoft Immediately begin to fasten the preliminary planning mode and other chips beloved by fans of the series, then you were very mistaken – all this is not here. In fact, Vegas Painfully resembles last year Star Wars: Republic Commando. Only now more levels, smaller arcade, and scraps of „star“ tactics turned into rather solid pieces. It is impossible to switch between the characters and the death of the head of the detachment will immediately lead you to loading the last control point. Oh yes, Rainbow Six, Like all console shooters, deprived of the ability to persist where it got. The most annoying thing is that there are WSM Casino revoir not so many notorious control points, and they are shared by rather complex game segments. Sometimes after passing alive and unscathed through a real meat grinder, you accidentally catch your head in an automatic line at a nearby turn and immediately glue the fins. At first it is extremely annoying, and then completely gets out of itself. Thanks to the Hollywood-Popkorne roots of the project, the protagonist does not have a strip of life. You will have to determine the state of the logan by eye. If the screen on the screen is the strongest reddish glitches, it is better to immediately retire from enemies – a dozen seconds and pain as a hand relieves. The cheat of course, but the protagonist is not immortal. But his partners are the real terminators. Front from the squall fire or belatedly discovering the next grenade underfoot, for some reason our wards survive and simply make up on the floor in anticipation of help. Simulators! It is enough to approach, press the corresponding button, make an urgent injection and a detachment again on your feet. If both of the companions fell, but only one, then you can send the fighter that remains in their right mind to treat the wounded. However, if you are late with the “injection of life”, then the wounded ward will see the light at the end of the tunnel, which will lead to the next load and obsceneity from the player.
As mentioned above, Logan is far from superhero. In order to somehow make the player’s life, the developers screwed up to Rainbow Six the ability to hide behind shelter a la Kill.Switch. After the player adjusts the character to the wall or any other reliable shelter and presses the corresponding button, the namesake of the comic license is pressed to the construction, and the camera switches to a third -person appearance. As in the unforgettable Kill.Switch, Sitting in the shelter, the hero can plant a certain number of cartridges “blindly”, throw a grenade or stick out in order to annoy the enemies. The easiest way is to use the last option. It is only necessary to aim in advance in the next adversarial, to stir up the body for a couple of seconds and make the unlucky terrorist in the head of the heels of extra holes. If you tirelessly twist the camera from side to side, sitting behind a reliable shelter, then you can calmly view almost the whole picture of the battle. Do not forget that enemies also have the possibility of playing “hide and seek” and use it entirely. So, going back to the opponents, it must be remembered that well-aimed terrorists are also not averse to sticking out the machine gun from around the corner and rip off the belly with a rainbow special forces a handful of a red-hot lead.
The assault on closed premises is an important part of the gameplay. Standing in front of the next door, you can take several actions and naturally count on a different result. Firstly, you can arrange a cleaning of some next warehouse in proud loneliness. The hero will not have to be long – there are many enemies, and Logan’s life is short. Secondly, the player has the opportunity to fit the whole detachment to the door. The fighters will immediately reload weapons and get ready to heroically save democracy. There are several options for the development of events. You can, for example, order the fighters to quietly enter the premises or throw a grenade first, and then arrange the strip. In addition, before the annihilation of terrorists, it is advisable to see what is happening in the room using the optical-fiber chamber (yeah, hello Splinter Cell). Passing the enemies of the United States dishonorablely, the player can set up primary goals to your partners. This means that, running into the premises, the fighters will first be sent to the forefathers of pre -marked ill -wishers. Often there are as many as two entrances. No one forbids to launch a detachment through one and distract the terrorists, while to exit through the second and unsophisticatedly shooting US enemies into the back.
The game mode, previously responded to Lone Wolf, changed the name to “Terrorist Hunt”, but the meaning remained the same. Brave partners with a wave of a magic wand disappear, and there is a fought with terrorism in proud loneliness. And if you could make arrogant attacks in the single, then Terrorist Hunt makes you constantly hide in shelters and generally partisan. Some stripping is completely given to the atmosphere of that first “strong nut” with Bruce Willis.
Cards, Vegas, four trunks
Compared to past parts of the series, the arsenal of special forces is not rich. Automatic machines, machine guns, sniper rifles, shotgun – all this is of course there, but there is not enough variety. In total, the player has four slots for weapons. One for a pistol, two for rifles and other two-handed, and the fourth for grenades and other throwing-waxing equipment.
For some reason, pistols got an endless ammunition. Only the American command launched some terrible super-secret technology into production. There are also thermal imagers and night vision glasses in the arsenal of special forces. The first is useful when using flue grenades, more precisely for shooting warm terrorist carcasses, but what needs to be the „eyes“ of the midnight hunter, it is not quite that there are very few dark locations in the game.
Fear and hatred in Las Vegas
Rich from Ubisoft We spent well on Vegas, Having bought the ultra -modern unreal 3 engine. What to say? The visual side of the game did not become a revolution, but to argue with the fact that the new part Rainbow Six looks amazing, simply stupid. Excellent models of characters, clear textures (though hacks sometimes come across), solid special effects – you can list for a long time and taste. The fighters of the „Rainbow“ turned out to be especially well: apparently they did not spare the landslide on the main characters. But this is another half of the picture. The other half is the amazing beauty of level design. Not even a very pleasant Mexico looks very good, and when it comes to Las Vegas, so you just don’t take the eye. After the half-empty and gray cordores-twin handsome men F.E.A.R. (You can also add-on Extraction Point attribute here), full of juicy details of the room from Rainbow Six feel like a sip of fresh air. About flights in a helicopter over a virtual Vegas, it is worth saying a separate word – the city looks delightful. The disadvantage can be calculated by a rather clumsy animation and weak details of hostages. Another shortage is optimization. No, Rainbow Six gives a non -firm picture on pretty obsolete computers, but in order to see all the splendor of the “City of Sins” you will have to get a non -cheap video card. Game physics is frankly not impressive. The tile does not fly in different directions, there are no holes in the walls-in general, lovers of something can be delighted to sleep calmly. So, in some nameless cuisine, piles of plates were tightly nailed to the tables, and at least it was not possible to defeat them. A simple human desire to replace one of dozens of aquariums that directly require a hot lead is also impossible. Even corpses after a short period of time cease to be distracted by our cynical attempts to stir them with the help of a service weapon.
The sound design of the game is not perfect. Thank God, that “alternative” soundtrack of the last game of the series went home, LockDown. I myself am a fan of such a notorious team in the game world as Fear Factory (working on music for music for their shoulders Messiah And Carmageddon), but you have to know the difference between the special forces simulator and some meat action movie-the atmosphere is frankly different. This time, the musical accompaniment is surprisingly successful, but not everything is okay with voice acting. It is not necessary to consider the fact that terrorists are watered with all kinds of obscene expressions, both valiant special forces and negligent partners. This is even, if you allow, it creates the right atmosphere when there is one “fuck” yes “shit” around, but there is little phrases of these. After a gorgeous sound Call of Duty 2, Such “savings” on this important component of any serious project does not please at all. Partners resemble programmed robots. They commenting on the events reluctantly and extremely rarely. By the way, the Republician Commando, who was overwhelmed by many journalists, pleased the players with living and very talkative characters.
Final comments:
Good old special forces simulator Rainbow Six died and apparently will never return. But the Hollywood action movie will be prosperous and well sold Rainbow Six. The product turned out to be of high quality, you will not argue. But fans were waiting for him? It is clear that the consoles dictate their conditions. It is clear that some Call of Duty Sold better than Rainbow Six. But was it really impossible to create for Vegas another line of games, without touching the famous special forces simulator?
Gameplay: the gameplay process of the new generation jockey – pseudo. You shoot a lot, kill often, you are saved from opponents behind shelters, non -linearity is practically absent. Most of the routine is easier to put on controlled blanks, otherwise death will come immediately, and the braid will not forget to sharpen.
Graphics: the powerful Unreal 3 engine was used not 100%, but the result of Ubisoft’s work is enough with the head. Solid detail of everything and all, excellent lighting and pleasant animation to the eye. Unfortunately, flaws are also enough, but this is not fatal.
Sound: extremely pleasant melodies are supported by a realistic roar of firearms. Only the voice acting of the terrorists disappointed, and the partners are silent in a rag. The result could be better.
For a long time?: After passing the game surrounded by allies, you can switch to single reprisals against terrorists. Multiplayer has been prepared for especially ardent fans.
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